Competitive market analysis revealed the kids branded electronics to be a lackluster array of character stickers on generic electronics, character shaped radios, alarm
clocks and TVs with no real functionality and a lack of playful innovation. Incorporating +Play, the idea that features and style should inspire creative thought
and imagination creating an emotional bond with the product, into the overall design helped set the Hot Wheels brand apart from competitors.
Research on childrens’ play patterns revealed 4 distinct methods of interaction with Hot Wheels toys: Roll Play – controlling the action; Toy Play – the world is your race track;
Fantasy – extreme, over-exaggerated imagination; and Car Show – show-off, idolatry. These methods were translated into design concepts that enhanced the Hot Wheels
brand message while providing unexpected added-value features for kids. The brand was enhanced through the use of fresh and innovative features including sounds, lighting,
role play and an overall style that delivered unexpected added-value features to the products. But most importantly… they’re FUN!